Nerve Ending Fairy
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: FA1
Standard size
No Background
Added 9/2/2009
Updated 9/7/2009
Here we see the Nerveending Fairy from Ren's Toothache. I got it on a second chance offer (you know, where eBay screws you by letting you pay as if your absolute highest bid was the high bid, instead of giving you the marginal bid over the third highest bidder), but another Rubberslug user put the auction photo up two days after the auction. (update: he was using the auction photos; he has yet to receive his cels as of this writing, which is naturally displeasing to him); I wonder if there were 2 cels that are very close together at the beginning of the scene (only one is on screen; one would have had to have been edited out; mine matches the auction photo in my auction and that the other rbrslger is using), or some other permutation. (2nd update, the other Rbrslgr got a slightly different wing position.)
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